Trusted side of the TEE
core | 10 years ago | ||
documentation | 10 years ago | ||
lib | 10 years ago | ||
mk | 10 years ago | ||
scripts | 10 years ago | ||
ta | 10 years ago | ||
.gitignore | 10 years ago | ||
.travis.yml | 10 years ago | || | 10 years ago | ||
LICENSE | 10 years ago | ||
Makefile | 10 years ago | || | 10 years ago | || | 10 years ago |
The optee_os git, contains the source code for the TEE in Linux using the ARM(R) TrustZone(R) technology. This component meets the GlobalPlatform TEE System Architecture specification. It also provides the TEE Internal API v1.0 as defined by the Global Platform TEE Standard for the development of Trusted Applications. For a general overview of OP-TEE and to find out how to contribute, please see the file.
The Trusted OS is accessible from the Rich OS (Linux) using the GlobalPlatform TEE Client API Specification v1.0, which also is used to trigger secure execution of applications within the TEE.
The software is distributed mostly under the BSD 2-Clause open source license, apart from some files in the optee_os/lib/libutils directory which are distributed under the BSD 3-Clause or public domain licenses.
Several platforms are supported. In order to manage slight differences between platforms, a PLATFORM_FLAVOR
flag has been introduced. The PLATFORM
flags define the whole configuration for a chip the where the Trusted OS runs. Note that there is also a composite form which makes it possible to append PLATFORM_FLAVOR
directly, by adding a dash inbetween the names. The composite form is shown below for the different boards. For more specific details about build flags etc, please read the file
Platform | Composite PLATFORM flag |
Foundation FVP | PLATFORM=vexpress-fvp |
ARMs Juno Board | PLATFORM=vexpress-juno |
QEMU | PLATFORM=vexpress-qemu_virt |
STMicroelectronics b2120 - h310 / h410 | PLATFORM=stm-cannes |
STMicroelectronics b2020-h416 | PLATFORM=stm-orly2 |
Allwinner A80 Board | PLATFORM=sunxi |
There are a couple of different build options depending on the target you are going to use. If you just want to get the software and compile it, then you should follow the instructions under the "Basic setup" below. In case you are going to run for a certain hardware or FVP, QEMU for example, then please follow the respective section instead.
We will strive to use the latest available compiler from Linaro. Start by downloading and unpacking the compiler. Then export the PATH to the bin folder.
$ cd $HOME $ mkdir toolchains $ cd toolchains $ wget $ tar xvf gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-2014.05_linux.tar.xz $ export PATH=$HOME/toolchains/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-2014.05_linux/bin:$PATH
$ cd $HOME $ mkdir devel $ cd devel $ git clone
$ cd $HOME/devel/optee_os $ CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make
To be able to see the full command when building you could build using following flag:
$ make V=1
To enable debug builds use the following flag:
$ make DEBUG=1
OP-TEE supports a couple of different levels of debug prints for both TEE core itself and for the Trusted Applications. The level ranges from 1 to 4, where four is the most verbose. To set the level you use the following flag:
By following this section will setup OP-TEE using FVP (Foundation Models and also Fast Models). You will have to download a script in this git and then run it, modify it slightly and then run it again. The reason for this is that we are not allowed to share Foundation models. I.e, the user has to download it from ARM directly.
To be able run this script you will need to install a couple of dependencies. On a Debian based system (Ubuntu, Mint etc.), you will at least need to install the following packages:
$ sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
and in case you are running on a 64bits system, then you will need to install the following packages.
$ sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libz1:i386
$ wget $ chmod 711 $ ./
Follow the instructions to download Foundation Models and then update the first few lines under the "EDIT" section in the script. Note that if you are not working in Linaro and belongs to Security Working Group you will probably not have access to teetest.git, hence you should most likely leave this as it is. Run the script again.
$ ./
After about one hour (it's mainly cloning the kernel and edk2 that takes time) everything should have been cloned and built and you should be ready to use this. Pay attention to the line saying OP-TEE and FVP setup completed.
that would be displayed when the script successfully ended. If you don't see this at the end, then something went wrong.
During installation a couple of helper scripts were generated, the main reason for this is that there is a lot of interdependencies between the different software components and it's a bit tricky to point to the correct toolchains and to know in which order to build things.
: This is used to build ARM-Trusted-Firmware and must be called when you have updated any component that are included in the FIP (like for example OP-TEE os).
: This is used to build the Linux Kernel.
: This is a pure helper script that build all the normal world components (in correct order).
: This will build OP-TEEs client library.
: This will build OP-TEEs Linux Kernel driver (as a module).
: Builds the Trusted OS itself.
: This will build the test suite (pay attention to the access needed).
: This is the helper script for the secure side that will build all secure side components in the correct order.
: This will build Tianocore (UEFI).
: This will clean all gits. Beware that it will not reset the commit to the one used when first cloning. Also note that it will only clean git's (meaning that it will not clean Foundation models, toolchain folders).
: This is the script to use when starting FVP.
: This script will update rootfs. For example when you have updated normal world component, you will need to put them into rootfs. Calling this script will do so. In case you are creating a new Trusted Application, you must also edit filelist-tee.text in the gen_rootfs folder accordingly.
Depending on how you are working you have the option to build components separately or you can build everything by running two of the scripts above. In case you want to make sure that everything was built and updated, we suggest that you call the scripts in the following order.
$ ./ $ ./
By doing so all components should be (re-)built in the correct order and rootfs will be updated accordingly.
You simply run the script
, load the module and start tee-supplicant.
$ ./
and in the console write
root@FVP:/ modprobe optee_armtz root@FVP:/ tee-supplicant &
Now everything has been set up and OP-TEE is ready to be used.
doesn't do much error checking and doesn't have many fallbacks in case of a
setup things using absolute paths, i.e, you cannot just copy a working environment to a new location.undefined reference to raise
. We know about this issue and it is being tracked in #issue95 at GitHub.Juno has been supported in OP-TEE since mid October 2014.
Follow the instructions in the "4.1 Basic setup".
$ cd optee_os $ PLATFORM=vexpress PLATFORM_FLAVOR=juno CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make
Will be written soon.
Will be written soon.
You can run OP-TEE using QEMU since October 2014.
To be able run this script you will need to install a couple of dependencies. On a Debian based system (Ubuntu, Mint etc.), you will at least need to install the following packages:
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libglib2.0-dev libpixman-1-dev libfdt-dev \ libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libz1:i386 cscope
$ wget $ chmod 711 $ ./
During installation a couple of helper scripts were generated, the main reason for this is that there is a lot of interdependencies between the different software components and it's a bit tricky to point to the correct toolchains and to know in which order to build things.
: This build the BIOS needed in QEMU
: This is used to build the Linux Kernel.
: This will build OP-TEEs client library.
: This will build OP-TEEs Linux Kernel driver (as a module).
: Builds the Trusted OS itself.
: Builds all software components in the correct order.
: This script starts QEMU.
: Starts listening to QEMUs normal world UART console.
: Starts listening to QEMUs secure world UART console.
: This script will update rootfs. For example when you have updated normal world component, you will need to put them into rootfs. Calling this script will do so. In case you are creating a new Trusted Application, you must also edit filelist-tee.text in the gen_rootfs folder accordingly.
To build everything you will need to run the script
, which will build all gits and in the correct order.
To run this you need to lunch two consoles for the UARTs and one console for QEMU itself, so in separate shell windows run:
$ ./
$ ./
and finally
$ ./ ... QEMU 2.1.50 monitor - type 'help' for more information (qemu) c
In the window for serial_0 you will now get the normal world console and here you need to load and OP-TEEs Linux Kernel driver and also load tee-supplicant. This is done by the following lines:
$ root@Vexpress:/ modprobe optee_armtz $ root@Vexpress:/ tee-supplicant &
Currently OP-TEE is supported on Orly-2 (b2020-h416) and Cannes family (b2120 both h310 and h410 chip).
Will be written soon.
See section "4.1.2 Download the source code".
Will be written soon.
For Orly-2 do as follows
$ PLATFORM_FLAVOR=orly2 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make
For Cannes family do as follows
$ PLATFORM_FLAVOR=cannes CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- make
Will be written soon.
For Orly-2 do as follows
To be written.
For Cannes family do as follows
To be written.
Will be written soon. All magic with STM and so on must be stated here.
For Orly-2 do as follows
To be written.
For Cannes family do as follows
To be written.
Allwinner A80 platform has been supported in OP-TEE since mid December 2014.
Follow the instructions in the "4.1 Basic setup".
$ cd optee_os $ export PLATFORM=sunxi $ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- $ make
Download Allwinner A80 platform SDK. The SDK refer to Allwinner A80 platform SDK root directory. A80 SDK directory tree like this:
SDK/ Android lichee
Android include all Android source code, lichee include bootloader and linux kernel.
copy the OP-TEE output binary to SDK/lichee/tools/pack/sun9i/bin
$ cd optee_os $ cp ./out/arm32-plat-sunxi/core/tee.bin SDK/lichee/tools/pack/sun9i/bin
In lichee directory, Type the following commands:
$ cd SDK/lichee $ ./
In Android directory, Type the following commands:
$ cd SDK/android $ extract-bsp $ make -j
In andoid directory, Type the following commands:
$ cd SDK/android $ pack
The output image will been signed internally when pack. The output image name is a80_android_board.img.
Use Allwinner PhoenixSuit tool to download to A80 board. Choose the output image(a80_android_board.img), Choose download, Wait for the download to complete.
When the host platform is Windows, Use a console application to connect A80 board uart0. In the console window, You can install OP-TEE linux kernel driver optee.ko, Load OP-TEE-Client daemon tee-supplicant, Run OP-TEE example hello world application. This is done by the following lines:
$ insmod /system/vendor/modules/optee.ko $ /system/bin/tee-supplicant & $ /system/bin/tee-helloworld
Enjoying OP-TEE on A80 board.
In this project we are trying to adhere to the same coding convention as used in the Linux kernel (see CodingStyle). We achieve this by running checkpatch from Linux kernel. However there are a few exceptions that we had to make since the code also follows GlobalPlatform standards. The exceptions are as follows:
Since checkpatch is licensed under the terms of GNU GPL License Version 2, we cannot include this script directly into this project. Therefore we have written the Makefile so you need to explicitly point to the script by exporting an environment variable, namely CHECKPATCH. So, suppose that the source code for the Linux kernel is at $HOME/devel/linux
, then you have to export like follows:
$ export CHECKPATCH=$HOME/devel/linux/scripts/
thereafter it should be possible to use one of the different checkpatch targets in the Makefile. There are targets for checking all files, checking against latest commit, against a certain base-commit etc. For the details, read the Makefile.